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Senin, 01 November 2010

21st Century Phantom" by Oz Pearlman

21st Century Phantom is a true reputation maker. That term is thrown around quite casually in the magic world; however this is the real deal. A thought of celebrity is revealed in an incredibly unique manner. This routine blends mentalism, magic & art, and finishes with an unbelievable souvenir for your spectator!

By streamlining the handling, Oz has transformed a classic stage routine into a close-up performer's dream. 21st Century Phantom is a guaranteed crowd pleaser, and will quickly become your most requested effect. This is the one audiences will be talking about!

* Repeatable with multiple celebrities
* Packs small, plays big
* Uses everyday, common items
* Extremely commercial and unique
* Giveaway for spectator

Oz guides you through every aspect of this routine, beginning with the set-up and continuing on into the presentation, psychology and subtleties. 21 st Century Phantom is based on Theodore Annemann's Phantom Artist routine.


demo video :

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